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Tin Mining News

Elementos tin exploration and development

Proactive Investors – Elementos recognised by Andalusian Government for Oropesa Tin Project, which promises local jobs
March 11, 2022

MD Joe David talks with Proactive Investors about the very positive news announced that the Oropesa Tin Project has been recognised by…

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Proactive Investors – Elementos maintains buy recommendation from BW Equity, updates valuation to A$1 per share
January 28, 2022

“ELT provides investors with exposure to a tin project in a stable geographic region (Spain), with a defined economic assessment that…

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Morgan’s Research – Elementos
January 21, 2022

Read the latest research on Elementos from Morgans Financial Limited in this January 2022 paper.

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The Pick – Tin timing perfect for Elementos
December 17, 2021

Executive Director of BW Equities, Ben Kay puts his support behind Elementos in this December 2021 article by The Pick.

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Australian Financial Review – ‘Europe gets ready to dig up its backyard’
June 28, 2021

Surging demand for clean energy materials together with the need to secure sustainable, local supply chains has boosted the outlook for…

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Courier Mail – ‘Hi-tech tin to heat up’
June 14, 2021

Increased demand from tech companies has seen prices for tin soar to record highs this year, Elementos CEO Joe David told…

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Paydirt – ‘New Elementos CEO rattles the tin’
May 31, 2021

“People are now clearly realising the gross undersupply of this critical metal and the strong support for future supply,” Elementos CEO…

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Burnie Advocate – ‘CEO review of options at tin prospect’
April 14, 2021

“A new set of eyes will review development options for a long-awaited North-West mining project,” reports the Burnie Advocate in this…

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Noosa Mining Conference – interview with Elementos Executive Director, Chris Dunks
November 17, 2020

Elementos Executive Director, Chris Dunks spoke to Morgans’ Chris Brown at the Noosa Mining and Exploration Investor Conference, highlighting Elementos’ plans…

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Half Yearly Report and Accounts
March 15, 2020


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